Concert Castanets Exercises:
Warming up and finger exercises
Posticeos & various rhythms
Exercises for alternating beats: TA PI
Exercises for synchronous beats: TAN
Exercises for posticeos: TIN
Exercises for carretillas: RIA and RAI
Advanced rhythm exercises
Exercises for polyphony
Daily exercises for advanced castanetists
available in the shop of KonzertKastagnetten
Concert Castanets Exercises e-book
A book with instructions and exercises for warming up and training fingers at different levels, rhythm exercises and many technical and musical subtleties.
Suitable for all levels from beginners with previous knowledge to virtuoso castanet players.
NEW: Concert Castanets X e-book
18 castanet parts to music by William Gillock with a focus on variants of the ‘Carretilla’.
available in the shop of KonzertKastagnetten

Concert Castanets X e-book
This volume is dedicated to the study and development of carretillas with both hands in different rhythmic versions. There are 1/8 carretillas, 1/16 carretillas, 1/32 carretillas, quintuplets with 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 notes, consecutive carretillas right-left, trills and playing with the right hand on the left castanet and vice versa.
Level from beginner with previous knowledge to advanced

Concert Castanets VIII:
chamber music for a castanet ensemble:
solos, duets and trios.
available in the shop of KonzertKastagnetten
Concert Castanets VIII 2 e-books
chamber music for concert castanets
In two volumes: Solos and polyphonic castanet scores:
Volume 1 (S for Scores) all scores and in
Volume 2 (P for Parts) the parts of the polyphonic pieces.
For a castanet ensemble at least at a good intermediate level
Chamber music scores – solos, duets and trios – to music by J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel, W. A. Mozart, E. Satie, M. Clementi, G. Gershwin, A. Khachaturian, and F. Schubert.