Castanet Method of Emma Maleras, called ‘El Método’ – the method for short, consists of ten levels. Taken together, courses form three levels: the basic level, the intermediate level and the advanced level. The castanet technique is worked on slowly, very thoroughly and extensively.
Here is a quote from Emma Maleras’ textbook: “The goal of this method is for the student to achieve absolute rhythmic precision regardless of intonation. Castanets, because of their small size and their dry and precise sound, are excellent for rhythmic training and have proved successful for beginners, both adults and children.”
The basic level with the first 4 courses, lays the foundations of a very good playing technique. The fingers are strengthened, their flexibility, independence and speed are promoted, and through the continuous construction of the various practice steps, one avoids overstraining the hands and arms as well as incorrect postures. The castanet player develops a solid foundation for effortless, loud and clear castanet playing. The musical fundamentals are taught: Understanding of meter and time signature, confident reading and execution of note values, rest signs, musical terminology, different time signatures, and a sense of rhythm is trained. It also prepares the fingers to play other musical instruments.
The intermediate level, with courses 5 to 7, includes castanet parts for the rich treasure of traditional Spanish dances. Percussion techniques are extensively expanded, strength and speed are significantly increased, and an initial introduction to dynamics, phrasing, and articulation prepares for expressive castanet playing. In Emma Maleras’ opinion, a Spanish dancer should complete at least this level.
In the upper level with courses eight to ten, extremely demanding castanet concert pieces by Emma Maleras and further playing techniques are worked on. The elaboration of dynamics, phrasing, articulation and further playing instructions becomes very intensive. Again, the work is very slow and thorough at first, and the tempo is slowly increased over the years to concert tempo.

Upon completion of the castanet study at the end of the 10th course, castanet players will be able to play, read, write, or analyze any piece of music with ease. Through the finger technique they have learned, they have mastered castanet playing to perfection.
The Castanet Method by Emma Maleras expands the playing and musical possibilities of castanet playing in an incredib